Monday, May 26, 2008


Well..looks like its been a short time I didn't blogging..
hmm.. I didnt know why am I wont be blogging everyday nearly this few dayz..
er.. maybe I felt that it is quite boring..??
Yea.. Maybe..

So.. let me talk abt this few dayz..
1st~ I went to genting at 11.++pm =.=
Guess what? I was there n just for a WALK -.-
Walked with my second brother~
Btw.. This is my 1st time that I walked wit my bro after we're 10..
u know~ our relationship 're not that gud..
we're walked for almost 2 hours..
just waiting our mum n sister..
they're GAMBLING in the casino -.-
Thats just the only thing they can do in genting..
n the conclusion is.. they lost 600 dollar..-.-
GOD..I could buy my favourite Molten basketball at least 20 balls..

abt yesterday..
actually I almost forgot what I had done yesterday..
er just woke up n rush on my piano hw..n get on class..
hmm thats all I think~

back for today..
Im went to school myself with my littlle race car..
KANCIL.. xp~
practise practise n practise still~
I was tired cuz I didnt get enuf slp..
I was in bad feeling cuz seong kok gave a bad attitude on it at the early morning..
(my own opinion.)
I back in gud mood cuz teacher Tian Fook spend me a KFC..
Thanks so much to him =)

well..thats all~
Tmr I got to wake up at 4AM =.=
what a damn early time to wake up during holidayz..
but Fine.. drum is a V.I.P..
n Im a drummer.. Thats part of my responsible..

well Im really happy that we had a short chat just now..
Its gud for me to cure my pain~ (knee's pain =) )
thanks so much.. u're always be the 1 who can make me feels gud..

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