Tuesday, March 29, 2011


很想自我灌醉. 睡够够力它.
叫不醒 也打不醒 睡到自然醒.

是自己不会安排. 还是自己太会安排. 活动周密到一个小时接一个小时.
" 我好像一整天没有看到你了喔."
"拜六礼拜的活动不用预她的啦, 她 full liao de larr."

挺过去吧 fatty ahm00ng.

其实是老妈说酒是凉的. 最近又热到妈妈都不认得.
所以就借酒消暑咯 x)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


最近头痛 =/


是这种头痛啦 哈哈

Friday, March 25, 2011

get use to. It.

this is what I'm facing now. tak tau apa ni? ni CODING. Mr freak big CODING.
I'm seriously IN LOVE with them. n I don't wth are all these thing doin' now.
and I'm so damn guilty now, but who cares?!
as long as the outcome will satisfy my tutor.

many big thanks to my friend that helps a lot.
I'm seriously owe you man!

and please har, don't crash kay?
You crash mine then I crash You.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


那看不见前方的日子, 多少人正在经历着? . .

Friday, March 18, 2011


这三天. 过着早出"早归"的日子.
并不是出去这里wet那里wet啦 please.
我很认真地度过这三天咯.徘徊在同个地方. 陪着同一堆人.

(他们应该会打9我啦我觉得 =x)

就是这堆来自循中的小可爱们. (我在那依然是最老的那个=.=)
对没错. 这三天都徘徊在循中学校.
好啦我是他们这次集训营的摄影师. 我也不懂自己zomok酱犯贱去帮忙.

其间发生了很可爱的事情. 就是"被锁事件".
话说以前的集训营. 中华宿舍在晚上某个时候就会上锁.
结果来到了循中. 忘记了这回事. =.=
Ending 就很容易猜咯. 就是被关在循中出不去. 回不了家. =.=

结果凉没得冲 牙没得刷 衣也没得换 留在那里到天亮.
那班扑街高层幸灾乐祸. LOL.

总结, 很充实很不错 =]

我和你都慢慢来, 好吗?

Monday, March 14, 2011

=) or =/ ?..

on the way going to toilet.

an Indian colleague, (I opened the door for her.)
"thanks ah you this cute little boy .. . you go that way =)"(pointing MEN's toilet)

in order to not make any confusion,
I didn't went toilet but purposely went to another floor toilet.

and then.
an Indian toilet cleaning auntie,
" eh BOY, toilet sana."

not saying that I'm happy or upset la.
but just, I have my very super simple wearing and my breast =.= big la.
how come there's still misunderstanding? =/
hmm. I shall purposely out-stand my breast everytime I walk into toilet.
or shall I just go MEN's ?

I miss you eh, M.S.C.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

dak han blog yatt blog =)

li yat pin wui hai guong dong pin.
haha. so nei dei yao sam lei zun bei la.
(sincerely pity for those don't know cantonese =x)

mm ji dim gai. zan hai mm ji dim gai. dak yin gan yao xiong blog yat blog geh feel.
watt har watt har dit photo albumsy. watt dou li liong jiong yeh chut leii.

mou cho lakk. zao hai li liong tiu fan chiong. liong tiu hoi jor Taiwan geh fan chiong.
hai mai hou yeng leh li liong tiu pok gai. hahahahaha
mou la la yat gor wai jor mong xiong . zao gam zao zung jor hoi Taiwan.
mou la la dai yi gor zhor dok yao dok . zui hao sin confirm zung hoi Taiwan.

To: li liong tiu fan chiong
lei dei hou za za lam duk sai dit xu za za lam fan lei.
zui hou zao dai mai ling yat bun fan mai lei la. nyahahahaha
bei doh gui la. jiu gu hao san tai ah.

ngor yu si gan bei coi

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


最近严重自甘堕落. 有功课不做. 有时间不多练习.
堕落到我自己都不敢相信. 即堕落又担心功课做不完.
可是又犯贱. 是都要挑战自己的极限. 看看自己到底有多大的能耐来堕落.
然后又有多大的能耐来收拾残局. 哈哈 JinJin够力犯贱啊我. =x

很像很够力死就没玩自拍. 原本纯粹想拍下近况样子.

结果. 拍下拍下. 拍成了这样子.

再拍下拍下. 进化了. lol

开心吗? 给那些不是常看到我样子的朋友们. =]
这就是过度自甘堕落. 严重犯贱造成的后遗症.
叫做<犯贱堕落侯群症> 哈哈.

哈哈. 好了言归正传. 其实是知道自己干吗如此堕落的啦.
可能是这次的短学期很没带劲吧. 总觉得欠缺些什么.
啊然后要帮忙看顾姐姐的事业. 时间被抽去.
啊再来就是练习. 很充实的礼拜天却成了被妈妈埋怨的日子.
再然后就是一些校外事情. 帮就得帮全套.
啊其实就一个字解释 <懒> lol!


Jiayou.s ahm00ng!!